Did I Forget to Tell You that God is Everywhere… that God is God and We Don’t Get to Tell Him Where to Be?

It is possible I forgot to tell you that God is everywhere because, honestly, I thought everyone already knew that.

  One of the most fundamental characteristics of God is that God is omnipresent.  God is everywhere.  And while Christian denominations differ and argue about a lot of things, there is no argument I know about the omnipresence of God.  That is one thing everyone in Christian faith agrees on. No small miracle.  So, honestly, I thought everyone understood that.

I have had to rethink that.  Several years ago, when political movements started talking about putting God back in schools, I thought to myself, “That kind of silly talk will get no traction with Christians.  God never left schools.  God is in school every day – before the first person arrives and after the last person leaves.  The idea that anybody can take God out of school is ridiculous.  Christians will laugh that idea out of town.”  

Theologically, I was absolutely correct.  God is everywhere.  Including schools.  But, in regard to my idea that Christians would recognize and dismiss the call to “put God back in schools” for the heresy it is– well, I was absolutely wrong about that.  Apparently without hesitation or a second thought, Christians picked up that pitch like ducks to water.  “We need to put God back in schools” they said.  

So apparently, I – and others—forgot to tell our people that God is everywhere….and that God is God.  Humans don’t get to decide where God will or will not be.  And I am stunned – and sad—and embarrassed that Christians believe we asked God to leave our schools or the White House or our country.  And that even if we did ask God to leave, we do not decide where God will be. The great God Almighty does not take orders from us.  That idea that we get to tell God where to be is a tragic misunderstanding of who we are and who God is. 

God decides where He will be.  And the Bible is full of the reassurances that God is everywhere.  There is no place we can flee from His Spirit.  (Psalm 139: 7-12 elaborates.)  “If I ascend to heaven, you are there.  I I make my bed in hell, you are there.” The Scripture is full of “I will never leave you nor forsake you” promises of God (Like Hebrews 13:5 as one example) And the last words of Jesus (Matthew 28) are:  “Lo, I am with you always.”  Does that sound like the kind of God who withdraws His presence if people do not always acknowledge Him or please Him?    

NO!  The political pundits misconstrue (and misuse) God completely with the appeal “Let’s put God back _____________”.  It is a con.  Although political pundits may not be steeped in Christian faith, people in congregations of all denominations should be and – without a second thought—reply:  “No need to put God back.  God never left.”   We do not control where God is and where God is not.  That idea is CRAZY.  No one—let me repeat, no one—gets to tell God where He can be.  That is a ridiculous idea and insulting to God..

That God is everywhere is not just one of many theological affirmations.  The idea that God is everyone is central to our sense of well-being in the world.  No matter how lost we get, God is there.  Our God does not just love us when we are “on track” and in the right places.  If you are in church, God is there.  If you are in the hospital, God is there.  If you are at home, God is there.  If you are out shopping or golfing or WHATEVER you are doing,  God is there.  When our young people are at parties or driving on the roads, God is there.  When parents are sitting home worrying, God is there.  When people live alone, God is there.  When there is all kinds of activity in a full household of family, God is there – in every room with every person.  God is with the homeless and the hurting.  Please understand how important this affirmation is when life turns upside down.

Today, I am sure that God is in the bunkers of Ukraine with children.  God is in the abandoned subways of Ukraine cities where people are fleeing for shelter.  God is with Ukraine leaders and churches and soldiers.  God is everywhere.  There is NO PLACE on this earth where God is not.  Even in communist regimes which persecute Christians, we know that God is there, too.  And we have learned that Christians have gathered in the places of deepest oppression and opposition because God is everywhere.

So if I haven’t told you;  if the church has not been clear enough, let’s get it strong and solid and correct:  God is everywhere.  Nobody – absolutely nobody on this earth tells God where He can be or not be.  That whole idea is preposterous and it ought to make us mad when people say it.

And the next time someone sends you a meme of heresy:  “Let’s put God back….”, I beg you to speak against that false notion.  Make it clear that you understand there is  NO NEED TO PUT GOD BACK ANYWHERE.  One thing Christians agree on is that God is everywhere.   Don’t let any political passion tempt you to deviate from this fundamental Christian affirmation:  God is everywhere.  We don’t tell God what to do.  Because some day, when you are feeling lost or lonely or broken, you will need this fundamental truth to assure you of the presence of God.   God is everywhere.  We can be absolutely certain of this truth.


Did I Forget to Tell You… that God Hates Hypocrisy?


Did I Forget To Tell You…. That We Are Supposed to Love Our Enemies?